They are great tools to share the Gospel with children and to take on mission trips! We have packs of 200 bracelets that your church can pick up.
Contact our office to arrange a time to pick them up by calling 423-267-3794 or email hcba@baptistassociation.com
Blue represents the blue of the sky and ocean to remind us that God created us and the world we enjoy (Genesis 1:1)
Gold represents the golden relationship God intended to exist between man and God. John 10:10 says that God intends for us to have abundant life with Him.
Darkness reminds us that God is light and in Him there is no darkness (1 John 1:5). But man’s sin separates him from God (John 3:19). The Bible tells us that all have sinned, and the penalty for sin is death.
Red represents God’s love in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). He sent Christ to pay the penalty for everyone because He loves us that much (John 3:16).
Light represents purity. If we confess our sins, God forgives and cleanses us so that we stand before him purely. This requires a yielding of our lives to Christ. It is His desire that every man comes to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).
Green reminds us that we are to “go and grow” in our new lives with Christ (2 Corinthians 5:18).
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