Woman's Missionary Union

Associational WMU Director: Tina Williams

Contact her at 423-645-5296 or Romans8@epbfi.com

Our purpose – to challenge Christian believers to understand and be radically involved in the mission of God – is accomplished through age level mission organization groups, hands on mission opportunities (locally, regionally and globally).

Our mission is to train the next generation of Christian leaders in the following areas:

  1. Missional living by learning about mission opportunities and missionaries
  2. Praying for those on the field
  3. Giving to SBC designated mission offerings throughout the year, giving locally
  4. Going – across the street, across the State, across the Country or around the world

Woman's Missionary Union

The Associational WMU finished the year with a HOPE.

We were able to meet in person on two separate occasions to revitalize our mission as an associational ministry. We planned the Mission Connecting event in conjunction with the Hamilton County Baptist Association. Our HOPE is to have partnerships with you. Our HOPE is to find areas where we can partner with you and you can partner with us.

WMU member organizations and Women on Missions groups participated in:

  • Attended virtual Denver prayer walking events, praying with and for the great church planting efforts going on there. Provided relief and service to various disasters victims in and around our region.
  • Fed crews from World Changers.
  • Served the homeless and the hungry through outreach and food pantries.
    The WMU leadership team fed two separate homeless camp’s breakfasts & provided rain ponchos, gallons of water and essentials to the homeless camps around Midtown Brainerd @ Brainerd Village. Continued our partnerships with HaCoba, BCM and CWJC.
  • Encourage MK’s and sent birthday and Christmas gifts to them
  • Supported various ESL ministries
  • Discipled little ones and adults alike in missions’ education, bible study and prayer
  • Ministered to the terminally ill at Welcome Home
  • Tutored students and supported or led local Good News Clubs
  • Held concerts of prayer and praise virtually. Praying for our nation, our schools and for families to return to the Lord.
  • We continue to focus on prayer for missions and missionaries throughout the world.

This year and in the years ahead we want to collaborate with you in meeting our mandate to GO and Make Disciples. We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus both here in Hamilton County, across the State, across the Country and around the World. We will stay on mission with the one goal to glorify Christ and effectively share the gospel with others.

We extend a warm invitation to become involved in WMU and the ministry of WMU.

If you would like to set up a group or simply learn more about how our ministry can enhance your church, please contact us, we would be honored to share.

Associational WMU Director: Tina Williams

Hamilton County WMU has had a fruitful year. We had the best participation for an event in the last five years. Seven WMU/WOM and AOM groups, and two WMU auxiliaries (Sisters Who Care & CWJC) came together to encourage, strengthen, and show tangible love to our associational Bi- Vocational pastor and wives night. Our Night of Encouragement was in partnership with the HCBA. Hundreds of dollars in gift cards were given for date nights, grocery shopping, or a simple need to be met. Hours and hours of prayers and petitions were made on behalf of these pastors and their families. HCBA provided a wonderful meal and our WMU groups provided homemade desserts. There was plenty of laughter and fellowship, and a sweet time of prayer at the end. If you are not praying for our association’s Bi-Vocational pastors, won’t you start today? Join us for this event, every May! 

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