Hamilton County WMU has had a fruitful year. We had the best participation for an event in the last five years. Seven WMU/WOM and AOM groups, and two WMU auxiliaries (Sisters Who Care & CWJC) came together to encourage, strengthen, and show tangible love to our associational Bi- Vocational pastor and wives night. Our Night of Encouragement was in partnership with the HCBA. Hundreds of dollars in gift cards were given for date nights, grocery shopping, or a simple need to be met. Hours and hours of prayers and petitions were made on behalf of these pastors and their families. HCBA provided a wonderful meal and our WMU groups provided homemade desserts. There was plenty of laughter and fellowship, and a sweet time of prayer at the end. If you are not praying for our association’s Bi-Vocational pastors, won’t you start today? Join us for this event, every May!