My HCBA Story - One Accord Community Church

"I do believe that the Hamilton County Baptist Association is a great tool in the hand of a mighty God."

In November of 2004 I met with the Hamilton County Baptist Association’s Dr. David Myers. Dr. Myers was very encouraging to our new church start. He assisted in setting up a meeting with the Tennessee Baptist Conventions, Church Planter Strategist, and Fred Davis. After meeting with the strategist, I came back to speak with Dr. Myers about planting the church with the assistance, encouragement and support of the Hamilton County Baptist Association.

We attended church planters boot camp in February 2005 in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. In April of 2005 we were recognized as a church plant of the Tennessee Baptist Church.

As a church start we were starting with nothing except the most important thing, which was the clear mandate from God to begin a new church. With our mandate and call clear, our purpose focused, the HCBA assisted us with procuring all sorts of much needed items from other associational churches. Their left over’s and old chairs, hymn books became our treasure. We also received several small grants for Sunday School materials and other needs.

The staff of the association began to pray for our church.

For a new church this is critical. I believe they continue to pray for us to this very day. Mrs. Becky Witt answered a million questions and has been a true guide and resource from the very beginning.

Through the support of the Hamilton County Baptist Association and it’s ministries I have met numerous Pastor’s and began attending the Pastor’s breakfast with associational Pastor’s. This one HCBA ministry alone is more valuable to me than I can tell you. I have made life long friendships with other pastors. I have garnered their support and mentorship. I have their prayer support. I am eternally grateful for this ministry of the HCBA.

In addition to the fellowship with the pastors, the association has helped our church with valuable training opportunities.

Our lay leaders, Youth Pastor, Church Treasurer, Children’s Pastor, Deacons and my wife have all benefited from the training with HCBA staff or staff they have provided.

Another ministry of the association that has greatly impacted our church is HaCoba. I, along with many of our church family, have worked at HaCoba.

"The ministry and work of HaCoba are priceless to this community."

This ministry has taught many in our church the meaning of servant hood, sacrifice and community.

Throughout our journey as a new church start, then as a fully constituted church of the Tennessee Baptist Convention, the Hamilton County Baptist Association has been with us every step of the way.

Most who are not involved with the association have false beliefs about the control the association has on its member churches. While the association has been there for us in the role of support, training, fellowship and guidance, they have NEVER attempted to control or tell our church what to do or how to do it. We are completely autonomous.

"I can say to you without a doubt that the Hamilton County Baptist Association has been use of God in mighty ways in HIS plans for One Accord Community Church."

I do believe that the Hamilton County Baptist Association is a great tool in the hand of a mighty God.

Pastor Ray Williams

Founding Pastor

One Accord Community Church

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