Dr. Adrian Rogers loved pastors. In fact, after he retired from Bellevue Baptist Church, he was making plans to spend the next season of his life mentoring and caring for pastors. Then the Lord called him home. In his final letter to the LWF Family he wrote,
“Today there are still millions of people who do not know our dear Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and who are in desperate need of His redeeming grace. The need also continues to challenge and encourage the church to be about God’s call.”
That is the continuing two-fold work for Love Worth Finding. We are using every means possible to reach anyone anywhere who will listen to the good news of Jesus Christ, and to encourage those in ministry to persevere faithfully until Christ returns.
Before going home to heaven, Dr. Rogers’s produced two key training resources: What Every Pastor Ought to Know, and What Every Christian Ought to Know. These are both taught personally on video by Adrian Rogers. Companion workbook materials are also available. What Every Pastor Ought to Know alone contains over 7 hours of recorded video from Adrian Rogers coaching pastors on spiritual authority, personal leadership, ideas for ministry and more.
LWF has also published the Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection, a collection of 2,500 sermon outlines and transcripts from messages preached by Dr. Rogers over his 32 years at Bellevue. A special collection of messages just for pastors is also available on the Pastors Resource home page found at pastors.lwf.org. Please sign up for the monthly pastor email located at the bottom of the page. They are refreshed monthly with special messages, encouragement, and topics for all pastors.
Register for free to access all of this material. https://www.lwf.org/pastor-church-resources
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