Bi-vocational Pastor and Wife Banquet

Bi-vocational Pastor and Wife Banquet

Join HCBA and the WMU as they host a dinner for our bi-vocational pastor and their wives. We will have food, games, and prizes. There will be free dinner. This is Monday May 19th from 6:30 - 8 Pm. 

Other Blogs

By admin December 2, 2024
Do you want to learn to teach ESL classes but don’t know how? We can help! Twice a year the Hamilton County Baptist Association hosts a training program for those who wish to TEACH English as a second language. This training is online, with modules for you to work through, as you read through your required manual. Everyone can go at their own pace, just as long as it is finished within the allotted time frame. There will also be a REQUIRED 5-hour video conference lesson, on Zoom, at the end of the training period. Start and End dates of the online modules: August 9th through September 6th. When is the end-of-course online call with instructor: the following Saturday, September 6th , from 9am-3pm LOCATION: wherever you use a computer COST: $50 for access to this training (non-refundable). There are two options for your required manual: a free digital download, or a printed manual, ranging from $9-13, depending on your ordering method. All instructions on how to receive this manual will come from Bailey Biddle after you fill out the registration form below. First, get in touch with us and let us know you are taking the training, by answering all the following questions. We will need to hear from you before you can register. FILL OUT CONTACT US FORM BELOW! Second, Bailey Biddle will be in touch with you to ask some follow-up questions, and explain how to pay for the training. After paying, you will need send your confirmation number to Bailey. Once you have sent your confirmation number, Bailey Biddle will send you what you need to make an account with the North American Mission Board. This is required to access the Pathwright site for your modules. Then, Bailey Biddle will give you information on how to get your Manual, required for this training: Finally, after being contacting by the instructor for the course, you will be given access to your online modules. This will happen one week out from the first day of training.
By Hamilton Baptist June 27, 2024
The 75th Annual Meeting of the Hamilton County Baptist Association Date: October 14th, 2025 Time: 5:30 for dinner; 6:15 for business and celebration Location: Love Fellowship Baptist Church
April 22, 2024
Interested in the Hullander Scholarship?
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